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6th Annual Day of the Dead Exhibition.
This year, 1992, marks the quincentennial anniversary of the mythical “discovery of the Americas”. It is time to set the record straight on this myth and clarify the inappropriateness of celebrating what was a cruel invasion in many cases, culminating in the eradication of complete indigenous groups throughout the Americas. How can one discover a land already populated by millions of inhabitants with unique and beautiful cultures.
It is significant and rewarding for this institution to host annually its most popular exhibition the Día de los Muertos. Significant because through its installations, folk art, and fine art objects it provides a window into México’s rich culture; present, and past. It is also rewarding because every year for two months, thousands of individuals visit our exhibit and come to a better understanding of the attempts to reconcile the most difficult dilemma humans have had to deal with; life and death. The Día de los Muertos celebration may yet prove to be one of México’s greatest gifts to the world.
Participating Artists
Cuitlahuac Velazquez, Leopoldo M. Praxedis, Esperanza Alvarez, Francisco R. Oñate, Mirtes Zwierzynski, Mary J. Andrade, Luis Jiménez , Cynthia Weiss, Herminia Albarrán, Anita Rodríguez, Jon Pounds, Adolfo Mexiac, Carlos Cortéz, Olivia Gude, Bloom Trail High School, Santa C. Barraza, Marcos Raya, Linares Family, Sam Coronado, Carlomagno P. Martínez, Alfredo Zalce, Oscar Soteno, Joel Rendón, Nicólas de Jesús, Ricardo Duffy, Alberto Beltrán, Enrique Chagoya, and Ranyan Ramírez.
René H. Arceo
Organizing Institution
Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum
Displayed at
Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum Main Gallery