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Become a Member
Your membership helps support the Museum’s mission to present the richness and beauty of Mexican art and culture.
Membership Benefits
As a thank you for your generous support, members enjoy the following benefits:
- 15% discount at the National Museum of Mexican Art’s Gift Shop, Tzintzuntzán, including any purchases made at the annual Festival del Arte Popular.
- 30% discount at our annual Mercado Navideño, Holiday Market
- An extra 10% birthday discount the week of your cumpleaños (birthday) at Tzintzuntzán
- Placement on the Membership Mailing List
- Reciprocal membership benefits at the Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum and the DuSable Museum of African American History
- Free General Admission for one at the Chicago History Museum and a 10% discount at the gift store and café
- 20% books in the gift shop (for educators and students only)
Gift Memberships
Give the gift of membership! An NMMA membership is a thoughtful gift for families, museum lovers, or art enthusiasts. Best of all, your gift membership supports the Museum!
To purchase a gift membership, use the Add note/comment feature at checkout and include the recipient’s name, mailing address, email address, phone number, and date of birth.
Membership Levels
Membership Listing
Includes all benefits listed above.
Price for one year:
$40 per year per individual
$30 for educators, students with current I.D. and seniors (60+ years)
$60 per household/$50 Senior Couple -
All benefits above plus:
- 20% discount on gift shop books
- Reciprocal admission at 900+ museums nationwide through the North American Reciprocal Museum Association (NARM)
- Exclusive guided tour of Nuestras Historias: Stories of Mexican Identity from the Permanent Collection (up to 4 guests/must be reserved 3 weeks in advanced)
Price for one year:
$150 per year per individual
$250 per year per household -
All benefits listed above plus:
- Exclusive guided tour by a curator of the most recently opened exhibit (up to 4 guests/must be reserved 3 weeks in advanced)
Price for one year:
$500 per year per individual/household -
All benefits listed above plus:
- Invitation to tour the Museum vaults with Permanent Collection Curator (up to 5 guests / must be reserved 3 weeks in advance)
Price for one year:
$2,500 per year per individual/household