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Cambiar a español

Become a Member

Your membership helps support the Museum’s mission to present the richness and beauty of Mexican art and culture.

Membership Benefits

As a thank you for your generous support, members enjoy the following benefits:

  • 15% discount at the National Museum of Mexican Art’s Gift Shop, Tzintzuntzán, including any purchases made at the annual Festival del Arte Popular. 
  • 30% discount at our annual Mercado Navideño, Holiday Market
  • An extra 10% birthday discount the week of your cumpleaños (birthday) at Tzintzuntzán
  • Placement on the Membership Mailing List
  • Reciprocal membership benefits at the Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum and the DuSable Museum of African American History
  • Free General Admission for one at the Chicago History Museum and a 10% discount at the gift store and café
  • 20% books in the gift shop (for educators and students only)

Gift Memberships

Give the gift of membership! An NMMA membership is a thoughtful gift for families, museum lovers, or art enthusiasts. Best of all, your gift membership supports the Museum!

To purchase a gift membership, use the Add note/comment feature at checkout and include the recipient’s name, mailing address, email address, phone number, and date of birth.

Membership Levels

Membership Listing

  • Maiz

    Includes all benefits listed above.

    Price for one year: 

    $40 per year per individual
    $30 for educators, students with current I.D. and seniors (60+ years)
    $60 per household/$50 Senior Couple

  • Cacao

    All benefits above plus:

    • 20% discount on gift shop books
    • Reciprocal admission at 900+ museums nationwide through the North American Reciprocal Museum Association (NARM)
    • Exclusive guided tour of Nuestras Historias: Stories of Mexican Identity from the Permanent Collection (up to 4 guests/must be reserved 3 weeks in advanced)

    Price for one year:

    $150 per year per individual
    $250 per year per household

  • Obsidiana

    All benefits listed above plus:

    • Exclusive guided tour by a curator of the most recently opened exhibit (up to 4 guests/must be reserved 3 weeks in advanced)

    Price for one year:
    $500 per year per individual/household

  • Jade

    All benefits listed above plus:

    • Invitation to tour the Museum vaults with Permanent Collection Curator (up to 5 guests / must be reserved 3 weeks in advance)

    Price for one year:
    $2,500 per year per individual/household