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People Listing
Raquel Aguinaga-Martinez
Alejandro (Alex) Alvarado
Director of Operations
Kaelyn Andrade
Gallery Education Associate
Cindy Antunez
Berenice Balderas
Off-Site School Coordinator
Barbara Engelskirchen
Chief Development Officer
Maria Gallardo
Performing Arts and Media Production Associate
Luis Gamez
Facilities Associate
Jenni Gonzalez
Yollocalli Program Coordinator
Eimy Guzman
Business Director
Mario Hernández
Gallery Education Coordinator
Gustavo Herrera
Exhibition Coordinator & Preparator
Raquel Juarez
Retail Manager
Marilyn Lara Corral
Arts Integration Schools Manager
Yoselyne (Joey) Leon
Off-Site School Coordinator
Jaime Lopez O.
Performing Arts and Digital Production Manager
Dolores Mercado
Rebecca D. Meyers
Permanent Collection Curator
Cesáreo Moreno
Director of Visual Arts & Chief Curator
José Ochoa
President & CEO
Juan Olvera
Permanent Collection Manager
Cynthia Ortega
Visual Arts Coordinator
Antonio Ortiz
Facilities Coordinator
Maya Ortiz Saucedo
Andrew W. Mellon Permanent Collection Curatorial Assistant
Alivé Piliado
Curatorial Associate
Solange Piña Lorca
Corporate & Foundation Relations Manager
Lisa Polderman
Senior Manager, Individual Giving
Raul Rico
Front Line Supervisor
Imelda Rodriguez
Business Coordinator
Gabriela Rodriguez
Education Office Coordinator
Angela Rogers
Education and Engagement Specialist
Kevin Rosas
Production and Digital Media Associate
Whitney Ross
Yollocalli Youth Advisor
Maria Salinas
Retail Assistant
Vanessa Sanchez
Director of Education/Yollocalli
Jazmin Sandoval
Retail Associate
Gilberto Sandoval
Lead Art Educator
Elisa Soto
Andrew W. Mellon Visual Arts Curatorial Assistant
Rachel Sturgeon
Director of Special Events
Thelma Uranga
Communications and Development Manager